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摘要:From wild speculation that flying cars will become the norm to robots that will be able to tend to our every need, there is lots of buzz about how AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning will change our lives. However, at present, it seems like a far-fetched future.


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Over the last decade, medical records have moved from paper to digital. However, they are still fragmented, with multiple different healthcare providers owning different parts. This has generated a vast array of inefficiencies. As a result, new legislation will come into effect before the end of 2023 that will allow people to own their health records rather than doctors or health insurance companies. This law will enable individuals to control access to their medical records and only share it when they decide. By owning your health golden data record, all of the information will be in one centralized place, allowing those providers that you share this information with to make fully informed decisions that are in your best interest. Individuals will now have the power to determine who can view their health records and this will take the form of a digital twin of your files. When you visit a doctor, you will take this health record with you and check it in with the health provider and when you check out, the provider will be required to delete your digital footprint. When you select medication at CVS, for example, the pharmacist will be able to scan your smart device to see what meds you are taking and other health indicators and then advise if the drug you selected is optimal for you. This will shift the way we approach healthcare from a reactive to a personalized preventative philosophy. Google has already started on this path with its project Nightingale initiative with the goal of using data machine learning and AI to suggest changes to individual patents care. By separating the data from the platform, it will also, in turn, fuel a whole new set of healthcare startups driven by predictive analytics that will, in time, change the entire dynamics of the healthcare insurance market. This will usher in a new era of healthcare that will move towards the predictive maintenance of humans, killing the established health insurance industry as we know it. Many of the incumbent healthcare giants will have to rethink their business model completely. However, what form this will take is currently murky.


An algorithm learns based on the data provided, so if it’s fed with a biased data set, it will give biased recommendations. This inherent bias in AI will see new legislation introduced to prevent discrimination. The regulation will put the onus on employers to ensure that their algorithms are not prejudiced and that the same ethics that they have in the physical world also apply in the digital realm. As employee analytics determine pay raises, performance bonuses, promotions, and hiring decisions, this legislation will ensure a level playing field for all. As this trend evolves, employees will control their data footprint, and when they leave an organization rather than clearing out their physical workspace, they will take their data footprint with them.

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