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摘要: After the industrial revolution, human development accelerated; however, the progress of civilization also caused damage to the environment. The climate anomalies are getting increasingly severe, and the world has started to protect the environment and join the ranks of a friendly environment. However, some enterprises are deceiving the public by doing something “not green” in the name of “green.”



The rapid development of technology has caused a significant burden on the environment, and the increasing emission of greenhouse gases has worsened the situation of global warming. To prevent human development from bringing environmental persecution, the United Nations proposed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC / FCCC) in 1992 to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impact of human activities on climate. This is how sustainable development is being implemented. However, during this green trend, there are many cases of “green” companies squeezing in under the guise of “green.”

Keywords: Greenwashing, Environmental protection, Sustainable development


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