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摘要: While gold prices have recorded an all-time high this year, surpassing $2,000 per ounce, prices have dipped again lately. However, UBS Global Wealth Management suggested that investors should be putting their money in gold now. As gold and Bitcoin (BTC) have had a high correlation in the past, both seen as a hedge against risks, what would this mean for the world’s largest cryptocurrency?

摘要: 美國納斯達克上市公司 MicroStrategy 於 8 月初宣布將投資比特幣(BTC)、黃金等另類資產,接著過沒幾天就公告已經大舉買下 2.5 億美元比特幣。並在短短一個月後,再加碼 1.75 億美元,使該公司比特幣部位累計約 4.25 億美元。該公司執行長 Michael Saylor 昨日推文說明其買進大量比特幣的策略,掀起社群熱議。

摘要: 比特幣(BTC)一連幾天在萬點關卡徘迴,讓投資人提著心密切關注;數據顯示,這樣的走勢可能跟美國股市與黃金市場疲軟有關。然而自 3 月 12 日「黑色星期四」開始,「鯨魚」們持有的 BTC 數量正在上升。他們的行為背後暗示了什麼跡象?會對未來幣價造成什麼影響?


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