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摘要: Like any app, there are myriad methods to attack a crypto wallet, but in my experience working with crypto and as a security professional, ensuring the app is secured against these five most common attacks will greatly increase the protection provided to consumers.

摘要: 上週五(19)日加密貨幣市場突然大幅回調,比特幣(BTC)最大跌幅 11%;以太坊(ETH)更重挫近 19% ,創下三箭破產後最大單日跌幅。CryptoQuant 分析師認為,很有可能與週五瞬間湧出的 70 億美元的主動賣單導致。此外,無聊猿(BAYC)、Azuki…等藍籌 NFT 也受清算影響,地板價已跌破 70 ETH。

摘要: 【為什麼我們要挑選這篇文章】遠東商銀推出元宇宙分行,打破銀行與客戶單向關係,去中心化讓客戶透過社群圈賺取更多回饋。在像 Gather 像素遊戲風世界裡,不僅可以佈置自己的分行,專屬發行的 NFT 也會連動更多優惠活動。邁向 Web3,未來銀行將更重視用戶的參與,並開啟銀行數位轉型的更多可能性?

摘要: Too many people are designing cloud architecture that is cool but too complex. The most successful architects use the KISS concept and keep it simple, stupid!