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摘要: 現在越來越多產業引進人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence,AI)技術,生鮮雜貨零售產業也不例外。美國最大的生鮮雜貨連鎖零售商 Kroger 宣布將與 NVIDIA 合作,在位於辛辛那提的總部裡打造一個實驗室。從物流、鮮食計畫、購物體驗等各種層面業務,引進 AI 技術改善並提升服務品質。

摘要: Customized protein design is now possible because of artificial intelligence (AI), which can be used to address both medicinal and environmental issues. A team at the University of Bayreuth has effectively used a computer-based natural language processing model for protein research under Prof. Dr. Birte Höcker.

摘要: By eliminating background noise and ensuring that its microphones only pick up the caller’s voice, new AI-powered wireless headphones called ClearBuds provide a potential answer because there is nothing worse than one team member calling into a Zoom conference from a busy cafe.


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